What you should know! - Ce que tu devrais savoir!


Developing your ear to English through fairy tales and nursery rhymes!

Développer son oreille à l'anglais par le biais des contes de fées et des comptines!


1. What's the date? It's Tuesday, March 10th.
2. What's the weather? It's sunny and cold.
3. Greetings: Hello, good morning, How are you?...
4. Farewells: Goodbye, see you, Have a good day....
5. Classroom commands: Open your book to page twelve (12). Get out your duo-tangs. Put you stuff away. Listen to the teacher....
6. Needing help: Wait a minute! I'm ready or I'm not ready. Can you help me, please? How do you say "hippopotame" in English? I don't understand. Can you repeat, please?...
7. Description of people and animals (body parts, clothes, simple adjectives...)
8. Can versus can't / cannot  
9. Favorite, likes and dislikes: My favorite sport is hockey. I don't like spinach. I like playing video games....
10. School supplies: Pencil, eraser, ruler, binder...May I sharpen my pencil? Can I borrow your dictionary?...
11. Complimenting: You have a good idea. Good job!...
12. Classroom verbs: Draw, write, read, sharpen a pencil, do...
13. Neighborhood: Bank, school, grocery store, park...
14. Alphabet: Spell out your full name! (Épeler son nom au complet)
15. Numbers 1 to 100
16. Colors and shapes (triangle, square, circle...)


1. Game vocabulary: Roll the dice. Pick a card. Miss a turn. I won!...
2. Months and seasons
3. Asking identity: What's your name? Where do you live? What does your father do for a living?...
4. Asking questions about identity (description): Is he tall? Does she wear glasses?...
5. Other people's talents: James is good at playing guitar. Wendy is a good singer....
6. 5W's: Who, what, where, when, why 
7. Feelings: Happy, sad, angry, hungry...Are you okay? How are you feeling, today?...
8. Structure Do you want to...: Do you want to help me with my English?
9. Pronouns: I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they

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