vendredi 17 octobre 2014

"Yes-No" Questions - «Est-ce que» en anglais

Here are the patterns! If you do not get it, talk to me or email me at

Voici les paradigmes! Si tu ne piges pas, parle-m'en ou bien envoie-moi un courrriel au

1. I may go to the washroom. May I go to the washroom? May = permission
2. John can speak a third language. Can John speak a third language? Can = ability or permission
3. We must study. Must we study? Must = obligation, necessity
4. You would like some more water. Would you like some more water? Would = conditional, desire...
5. I could help you. Could I help you? Could = pourrais, pourrions... in French!
6. She should read everyday. Should she read everyday? Should = suggestion
7. You are fine. Are you fine? Verb TO BE (être) in the present
8. The students were in Toronto last summer. Were the students in Toronto last summer? Verb TO BE (être) in the past
9. You have been to Vancouver. Have you been to Vancouver? Compound form of verb (forme composée d'un verbe)
10. We will succeed. Will we succeed? Will = future

* Might and shall exist too, but these two verbs are less common! 

* Might et shall existent aussi, cependant ces deux verbes sont moins courants!

Might = maybe / Shall = future with insistance or necessity! Ex. You shall attend the party. Shall you attend the party? 

STRUCTURE: Helping verb + subject + verb + rest + ? or Verb "to be" + subject + rest +?

* Les "helping verbs" ou "auxiliaries" les plus courants sont les suivants: may, can, must, would, could, should, will et have (dans les temps composés).

Other cases / Autres cas:

Do I; Do you; Does he; Does she; Does it; Do we; Do you; Do they (present)
Did (past)


1. You speak fluent French. Do you speak fluent French?
2. She eats a lot. Does she eat a lot?
3. Jacques drives too fast. Does Jacques drive too fast?
4. I watched this movie last weekend. Did you watch this movie last weekend?
5. He went to the mall this morning. Did he go to the mall this morning?

STRUCTURE: Do or Does or Did + subject + verb + rest +?

* Did you notice that with do, does and did, the second verb is in the infinitive form without the particle "to?"

* As-tu remarqué qu'avec do, does et did, le deuxième verbe est à l'infinitif sans la particule «to»?

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