mardi 20 septembre 2011

Classroom Actions & Commands - Actions et ordres dans la classe

2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit...

Curious to know the breakdown of minutes per week for English. In Ontario it is 200 minutes a week for grades 4-8 minimum for French classes.

Mr. George a dit...

Good evening. In Québec, ESL classes start at first grade up to secondary 5 (eleventh grade). At the elementary level, it varies from one milieu to another. Some schools offer two hours a week, others an hour. Often in first and second grades, we talk about 30 minutes a week.

A few elementary schools do offer an Intensive English program at the fifth and sixth grades. In this program, pupils do about five months of learning English and the other five doing French, math and other subjects.

More information on the Québec education system can be found at

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